torek, 22. marec 2011

Ljudi imamo tudi zelo radi, vendar so nekateri precej žilavi …

Pisala mi je gospa Zaiton Sidek, ki je sicer ne poznam, vendar sem očitno tudi v daljni Maleziji zaslovel kot poštenjak in človekoljub. Gospa je torej slišala zame in med sedmimi milijardami ljudi izbrala ravno mene, da bi me zaprosila za pomoč. Njena zgodba je v bistvu žalostna.
Gre za to, da je njen pokojni mož Anuar Sidek, sicer uslužbenec malezijske ambasade v Združenem Kraljestvu, pred smrtjo deponiral 5 milijonov dolarjev na neki banki v Londonu.
Gospa je brez otrok in ima raka ter še približno tri mesece življenja.
Njena srčna želja je spoznati zaupanja vredno osebo, ki bi upravljala to premoženje v korist sirot, ubogih, vdov in predvsem invalidnih oseb. Ker se zaveda, da je to zahtevna naloga, je pripravljena dobrotniku za osebno rabo nameniti 30% zneska.
Rada bi, da bi bil ta denar resnično porabljen v dobrobit človeštva in ne zapravljen.
Gospa me vabi, da jo obiščem v Maleziji ali Londonu, da se osebno dogovoriva o podrobnostih nakazila.
Takole piše:

My Beloved Trusted Friend ,
I am Mrs Zaiton Sidek, I am married to Mr Anuar Sidek who worked with Malaysian Embassy in United Kingdom for eleven years before he died in the year 2009.
We were married for nine years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death we were both kind and generous to mankind. Since his death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $5Million (Five Million U.S.Dollars) with a Finance firm in London.
Even though i was sick but to my greatest surprise last week when i went for medical diagnosis and checkup perhaps my Doctor told me that I may not last for the next three months due to cancer problem.
Having known my condition after much prayers I decided to donate this funds to a good organisation or a compassionate individual irrespective of the religion or denomination that will utilize this money for the helping the mankind in the way I am going to instruct here in. I want you to use this to funds for motherless, orphanages, less privilleged, widows and the handicapped people in way of propagating the desire of my late husband inspiration to ensure that mankind is helped and cared for especially the handicapped. I know too well that it is a great task that is why i set 30% of the total money for you for personal use. The Bible made us to understand that Blessed are the hands that giveth than the one receiveth, even natural law made it clear too.
I took this decision because I dont have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives cannot abide to this instructions moreso they will inherit the landed properties and other valuables, I dont want my husbands hard earned money to be miss used in a way he did not wish it to be.
I dont want in a situation where this money will be used in lavish way instead of using it in inspirations of helping mankind, hence is therefore for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the bossom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace. I may not need much telephone calls unless on appointments in this regard because of my health, and because of the presence of my husbands relatives around me always. I dont want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply my lawyer will contact you.
Please make haste to visit me in London and I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as the original- beneficiary of this fund. I need your prayers always because the lord is my shephard. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord most serve him in spirit and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.
Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. note, this most be kept confidentially from eyes and hears of my husband family. You will not do any expenses from your pocket. I will get loan from American or UK Finance firm. Please all arrangements have been made to take loan of £50,000.00
Please you will be expected to visit me in London or Malaysia by this coming week for us to start the transfer of the fund to your bank account after due knowing each other and good understanding.
Reply me and Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.
My regards
Mrs Zaiton Sidek,
Phone: +447924503270

Takšnega pisma seveda ne moreš kar spregledati in počaščen s takšnim zaupanjem sem gospe odpisal naj mi napiše kaj več o tem dogovoru.
Kmalu sem dobil odgovor in iz njega je razvidno, da mi dobrotnica najprej namerava urediti posojilo 50.000 angleških funtov za stroške.
Pismu je bila pripeta tudi fotografija gospe Sidek in njenega pokojnega moža, v nadaljevanju pa me prosi še naj kontaktiram njenega odvetnika in ji pošljem svoj polni profil:

My Beloved Trusted Friend Robert Kaše,
Please I should trust you to the fullness as God cannot lie because he is the person that inspired me to choose you for the project and I will want you to do this work of God on your own even it means you intiating a foundation on my name. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. Please note, this most be kept confidentially from eyes and hearing of people or my husbands family.
Please I will give you enough time to make arrangement conveniently to meet with me here. Let us get the loan first and after the loan we will have enough money at hand to do your travelling expenses and the transaction expenses. Arrangements have been made by me to get loan of £50,000.00 which is equal to $78,107.00 USD for all the expenses of this transaction. The loan will wired and send to your bank account from the loan company in London. Please you will do all the transaction expenses from there.You will be expected to visite me in London within the this month for us to have a good agreement on the fund and have due knowledge of each other and having good undestanding as well but if you cannot travel and come down here let me know as well so that we adhere to that.
Please the finance firm will contact you soon for the proccessing of the loan as your name particulars have been given to them over there in MALAYSIA office and LONDON office repectively. The loan will be send to your bank account first as to enable you do all the requiring expenses.
I will be giving out one of my husband houses for colleteral security to get the loan. please what is needed from you is trust and corperation. Please you will assure me that you will not use the loan which we will be sent to your account for any other transaction or for your personal uses.
Please contact and forward your information to my lawyer. My lawyer BARR. BRINSLEY DAVIDSON on email address
an international lawyer and will contact you when he is back in London as he is on business trip out of United Kingdom unless if i can get him on his international line. Please reply and send to me any form of your identification with full profile and other vital information including your direct phone and also follow my lawyer instructions and obey his directive so that we make success in this transaction.
Reply me and Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.
Please confirm and reply this mail.
My regards
Mrs Zaiton Sidek

Tudi na to pismo sem se takoj odzval, gospe Sidek pisal da lahko moj polni profil najde na FB ter prosil njenega odvetnika, če mi lahko poda kaj več informacij o tej zadevi.
Sledil je odgovor finančne inštitucije iz katerega je razvidno, da bom posojilo prejel v treh obrokih, vendar moram najprej nakazati 1750 funtov za ureditev posojilne dokumentacije, in sicer na račun gospoda Georga Martinsa:

Ref: 071/27/VOL/LO/IV/11
Attention: Mrs Sidek Zaiton Trustee/Partner,
I am contacting you on the recommendation of MRS SIDEK ZAITON who introduced you to this firm as her Trustee /PARTNER.
The total loan of £50,000.00 will be given in three part and the loan transaction is for MRS SIDEK ZAITON who will be given her valued property as collateral security and have promised to refund the loan in a document which will be signed and sealed by our legal department upon the payment of the loan document logistics/procurement fee of £1750.00 This documents procurement fee must be paid only to the Accountant here in London Office through western union money transfer or to the bank account as directed by the firm.
The disbursement department will send you three checks or will make a wire transfer of the total loan fund of £50,000.00 into any of your receiving bank account as MRS SIDEK ZAITON/Trustee/Partner.
As soon as we confirms that you have paid the £1750.00 loan documents logistics/procurement fee with and file in documents of the collateral security to the MALAYSIA HOUSING AUTHORITIES. Our firm will instructed our disbursement officer to wire the loan fund into any of your receiving Bank Account submitted to us as the Trustee/Partner of Beneficary of the loan MRS SIDEK ZAITON.
You are required to make the payment of loan procurement through western union money transfer or moneygram transfer with the below inforamtion. Please send the money for loan document logistics/procurement fee to this Name and forward to me the payment details.
Please kindly Reconfirm your Full names, Mailling Address, Contact Phone and you should give us your Bank account and Bank address where the fund will be transfer to, for us to make smooth transfer direct to your bank .
Thanks for your co-operation.
Mr.Lawrence B Brown (Director of Operation)
Property & Bridging Finance from Commercial Acceptances
Commercial Acceptances Ltd
100 George Street

V veliki želji, da bi se čimprej pridružil tako plemeniti akciji sem nemudoma odgovoril, da mi naj posredujejo natančnejše informacije na kakšen način lahko nakažem teh 1750 funtov.
Odgovora še nisem prejel, zdaj pa ne vem kaj je narobe … odzval sem se takoj in z veliko dobre volje, da bi izpolnil plemenito željo gospe Sidek, pa res ne vem kako naprej.
Zato sem se odločil, da napišem blog o tem in poprosim za pomoč Vas spoštovani bralci. Če morda kdo razpolaga s kakšnimi uporabnimi informacijami in transakcijskim računom na katerega želim nakazati teh 1750 funtov, naj mi ga prosim posreduje, ker mi res ni vseeno za vse te revne ljudi, ki zdaj očitno čakajo samo še name …
Že vnaprej hvala za Vašo morebitno pomoč in koristne informacije.
Prosim pohitite, svet je v veliki stiski.

5 komentarjev:

  1. Ni še konec ... gospa Sidek si me še vedno želi za finančnega zaupnika.
    Nadaljevanje sledi ...

  2. Avtor je odstranil ta komentar.

  3. Avtor je odstranil ta komentar.

  4. Brez skrbi, od prve sekunde naprej vem v čem je štos. Štos pa je tudi v tem, da še nismo končali ... še vedno se dogovarjamo. Nadaljevanje zgodbe bom enkrat tudi opisal, razen če mi res nakažejo tistih pet milijonov. V tem primeru bom pa čisto tiho ...


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"Zastonj ste prejeli, zastonj dajajte." (Mt 10,8b)